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Found 25831 results for any of the keywords reference group. Time 0.006 seconds.
A reference group is a group to which an individual or another group is compared. -- Wikipedia People with disability - ACT GovernmentFind programs and services to support people with disability living in the ACT
External Representation - NACCHONACCHO © 1992-2024 Funded by the Australian Government | Member of the Coalition of Peaks
NACCHO Board - NACCHONACCHO s Board consists of the Chair, Deputy Chair and 14 directors. The Chair and Deputy Chair are elected by NACCHO members for three-year terms. The 14 directors are nominated by affiliates in each state and territory
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Use of Colorectal Cancer Screening AmPreventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. PCD provides an open exchange of information and knowledge am
Sustainability Reporting | IPSASBClimate change affects everyone, transcending borders and economic boundaries. Rapid progress on climate change requires public sector action, and effective action requires the quality information only sustainability rep
A Peek Inside The Secrets Of Psychiatric Assessment Private shortsziPsychiatric Assessment Private A psychiatric assessment private is the first step to finding a diagnosis and a treatment for mental healt...
Tourism | Ministry of Business, Innovation EmploymentWe advise the government on resetting and rebuilding tourism on a sustainable and regenerative model of tourism. Regenerative tourism is about giving back more to people and places than it takes. It actively enriches our
Home | Ministry of Business, Innovation EmploymentMinistry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) plays a central role in shaping and delivering a strong New Zealand economy.
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